Ha tunnel ios
Ha tunnel ios

This key and value pair can be used to turn on the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint functionality. This key and value pair can be used to turn on the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint anti-phishing capability. This key and value pair can be used to allow the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint anti-phishing capability to use a local VPN. Specifically related to Microsoft Tunnel, defendertoggle (Android) and TunnelOnly (iOS) are the most interesting. The table below provides an overview of the available key-value pairs for configuring the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app on iOS and Android. That saves a lot of required user interaction. Besides that, the latest version of the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app for iOS even provides the option to silently onboard into Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. These configuration options enable the IT administrator, to enable the web protection (ant-phishing) functinality, to automatically onboard and/or to configure a local VPN, or to only use the app for Microsoft Tunnel functionality. Depending on the platform, there might be slightly more or less configuration options. The Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app provides the IT administrator with different configuration options. Configuration options for the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app Important: At the moment of writing this blog post, the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app for iOS is still in preview for the Microsoft Tunnel functionality.

ha tunnel ios

This post will go through the configuration options for the Microsoft Defender for Endpoint app, the deployment of a VPN profile and the user experience.

ha tunnel ios

That’s been the case for Android already for a while now, and is now also available in preview for iOS. That makes the combination of both products into a single app, a logic move. That’s especially challenging when using it in combination with Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

ha tunnel ios

One of the challenges with those devices is that there can only be one active VPN at the same time. In the early stages of Microsoft Tunnel, there used to be a separate Microsoft Tunnel app for iOS and Android devices. Microsoft Tunnel is the VPN gateway solution for Microsoft Intune that fully integrates with Azure AD (and Conditional Access) for providing access to on-premises resources on iOS and Android devices. This week is something completely different, compared to the last couple of weeks.

Ha tunnel ios